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Hollywood Undead & Ruben Diaz

Hollywood Undead: Making a Fan’s Dream Come True

Last week, Hollywood Undead and Johnny 3 Tears took to social media to commemorate their time with a Make-A-Wish recipient of their own, Ruben Diaz. Scene for Dummies reached out to Ruben to get his take on his very own personal wish come true.
Death of Shady Jeff

“The Death of Shady Jeff”

In the most recent portion of our conversation with Jeff, we tackled one of the oldest urban legends surrounding Hollywood Undead; the infamous “Death of Shady Jeff” in a gruesome car accident.

Who the Phuck is The Phantasm?

Fans have had years to dissect the lyrical content of this premiere album by Hollywood Undead, but recently a few obscure references found in the album’s lyrics seem to have stirred up some confusion in the Undead Army. Who the f**k is The Phantasm?