Capital Chaos Interviews Charlie Scene
Here's another interview from Aftershock weekend, this time with just Charlie Scene. Charlie discusses his musical taste and influences, the festival scene, dealing with producers versus self-producing, a...
Musik Universe Interview w/ J3T
Musik Universe recently had a chance to interview Johnny 3 Tears while out on the North America 2017 Tour. The two discuss venues, the Five release party, his favorite...
Johnny 3 Tears Interview in Rock Sound #232
Who said print is dead? Rock Sound magazine Issue 232 features an interview with Johnny 3 Tears ahead of the release of Five. The publication teases that the interview covers,...
Interview w/ Metal Hammer
German music blog Metal Hammer recently ran an interview with band members Charlie Scene, Johnny 3 Tears, & J-Dog, conducted by writer Konstantin Michaely. The trio discuss various topics related to Five,...
Top 5 Horror Movies w/ J3T & J-Dog
Time for another countdown video, this time J-Dog and Johnny 3 Tears list out their top five favorite horror movies in this chat with music blog Rock Sound. The duo recount...
J-Dog & Charlie Scene Interview w/ Rock Star Dreams
In another interview done during the Aftershock festival weekend, J-Dog and Charlie Scene discuss recording Five, the release party in Las Vegas, starting out as a self-made band and transitioning through the industry,...