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Charlie Scene Q&A with METALSHOP TV – English & Czech Subtitles

Spinning out of the band's recent European tour and festival dates comes a more recent interview with Charlie Scene via METALSHOP TV's YouTube Channel.  This quick Q&A...

Danny Talks History with Lorene Drive & More with @broken.record.hu

As we continue cranking on our Hotel Kalifornia media backlog, the next interview comes from late 2022 - this time with the rarely interviewed Danny, taking some time...

Undead Army Archive – “Wild In These Streets” Listening Party with Hollywood Undead

With the shutdown of the Undead Army app, much of the old premium membership content has become its own little collection of lost Hollywood Undead-themed...

Johnny 3 Tears Interview with IgorMiranda (Original Portuguese + English-Auto Translations)

Today we've got another international interview from the Hotel Kalifornia rollout this past Winter with Johnny 3 Tears, this time from Brazilian-based Igor Miranda. Native Portuguese speakers can check out...

J-Dog Talks his Move to Oklahoma with TulsaPeople

Last Fall J-Dog sat down with fellow Oklahoman Julie Watson for TulsaPeople.com to chat on his move out East for both work (including the recent...

Bringin’ It Backwards Interviews Johnny 3 Tears & Charlie Scene

With Hollywood Undead back home after their European festival tour, Johnny 3 Tears and Charlie Scene appeared on the Bringin' It Backwards podcast with to talk about all manner of moments...